Event: Harley Day at Ace Cafe
Warr’s Harley Day and ’60th Sportster Anniversary Extravaganza’ at The Ace Cafe on Sunday August 27th featuring Harley retail including the collectors 60th Anniversary Sportster shirt, Competitions and live music PLUS ‘key’ Sportster models from the Warr’s Museum Collection including the very first year of production 1957 XL Sportster, 1960 ‘Fred Warr’ Ramsgate Sprint XLCH, 1970 Boat Tail, 1977 Cafe Racers, XR70TT Road Racer, 84 XR1000, ‘Last of the Ironheads’ XLX, and of course all the very latest 2017 XL883 Iron, Forty Eights and Customs.
Sony A7R II + Old russian Helios 44-2 58mm F/2 Manual lens
HARLEY DAY AT THE ACE CAFEHARLEY DAY AT THE ACE CAFEHarley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017017Harley day at the Ace Cafe London 2017
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